Abortion Cost

You’re pregnant! There are many things to consider when evaluating your options, and you might be thinking about abortion. The methods and costs can vary depending on how far along you are. The cost of an abortion depends on the type of procedure and the gestational age, with prices typically increasing as the pregnancy progresses. Additionally, costs vary by provider, with clinics and private practitioners usually offering lower rates than hospitals. While we provide accurate information about all your pregnancy options, we do not perform or refer for abortion services.


Typical Cost of Abortion

According to Abortion Providers an in clinic abortion can cost $600 – $800 in the first trimester. Second trimester abortions typically run an average of $715 - $2,000 depending on the gestational age of your pregnancy, as advertised by abortion providers as of December 2024. Late term abortions can be even more expensive, at $3,000 or more depending on your situation.

Abortion policies currently in effect for Texas. To learn more about abortion and better understand your options in McAllen, Texas, schedule a free and confidential appointment.

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